
I have always found something magical about Christmas. The carols being belted out at shopping centres ( doesn't sound so appealing but I love it ). The decorations adorning all of the shop fronts, and the excuse to pretend its cold and snowy as to have an oozy chocolate and cinnamon scented something to warm me up. 

The art of choosing the perfect gift for that someone special should be an enjoyable experience. More often than not it might be a rushed decision forced by busy shops, little time, and extra occasions and parties that pop up in November these days. 

I like to think that in my shop you can relax, and take the time to match a person to a particular piece of jewellery.  We have a few very talented people that also fill spaces in my little shop, they add splashes of colour and texture to compliment my sea glass jewellery. 

And for all of the ladies that send husbands in search of something, we are always here to guide and make recommendations if they are a little lost. I have to say though, I haven't had many men that didn't know what they wanted to purchase. We even do sneaky wrap ups and purchases while the wives are looking at the fabulous wares next door at E360, only to be surprised when they get home when their partner produces a little white Kriket Broadhurst jewellery box.

And speaking of boxes, for the month of December as my gift to you,  I can gift wrap any of your Christmas purchases with specialty Christmas wrap and ribbon. 


Insert - christmas wrapped box and piece of jewellery. 




*last minute gift ideas for someone special

* christmas activities on the mountain

*free christmas giftwrapping for items purchased in Kriket's studio